Topics include:
An in-depth explanation of Sections 508 and 504
Closed captioning requirements according to Section 508
Implications for the government, education, and federally funded programs
How Sections 508 and 504 intersect with the ADA and WCAG 2.0
What is the Cost of Audio Description?
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The Rehabilitation Act, enacted in 1973, is a federal anti-discrimination law that implicates federal and federally funded programs in their treatment of individuals with disabilities. This law replaced and expanded the Vocational Rehabilitation Act to broaden both the protection of individuals with disabilities and the funding for disability programs and services.
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 originally placed the most emphasis on equal employment practices, reasonable accommodations, and federally subsidized programming for individuals with disabilities. However, amendments to the act have led to a more far-reaching interpretation of the law.
With the advent of the Internet, an amendment (Section 508) was signed into law in 1998, expanding the Rehabilitation Act to include equal access to electronic and information technology.
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3Play Media is an integrated media accessibility platform with patented solutions for closed captioning, transcription, live captioning, audio description, and localization. 3Play is a thought leader in video accessibility, and is committed to providing free, educational resources like this one.