FCC Requirements for Closed Captioning of Online Video: Are You Compliant?
Topics include:
Quality standards for closed captioning
User controls for online video closed captioning
Closed captioning requirements for online video clips
FCC exemptions for closed captioning
Recent FCC-related closed captioning lawsuits
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Over the past several years, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has steadily built up their closed captioning rules for IP video programming. This brief will provide you with a compilation of FCC captioning updates, as well as resources for compliance. It is important to note that as of now, any video in a distributor or provider's library that previously appeared on TV with captions must be captioned within 15 days of being placed online.
The regulations described in this brief apply to all online video programming that previously aired on television with captions, in accordance with the CVAA. We will also take you through the FCC's exemptions for closed captioning and touch on the very first consent decree relating to violations of the CVAA.
A Full Service Media Accessibility Solution
3Play Media is an integrated media accessibility platform with patented solutions for closed captioning, transcription, live captioning, audio description, and localization. 3Play is a thought leader in video accessibility, and is committed to providing free, educational resources like this one.