Going Beyond the Listener: Accessible Audio for Podcasting

Free Webinar l Thursday, January 27 at 2 PM ET


What We'll Cover 

Recently, three major podcast providers were sued for lack of accessibility, raising awareness for a much-needed discussion around making podcasts universally accessible. 

Spoiler alert: it takes more than just adding a transcript.

In this webinar, Nic Steenhout, host of A11y Rules and a web accessibility consultant, will share his expert tips and tricks for hosting an inclusive podcast, and why it matters for a better listener experience.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Benefits of accessible podcasting for your audience
  • Elements that make a podcast accessible
  • Features to look for in your podcasting platform and tools


Presented By


Nic Steenhout

Host, speaker, and accessibility consultant

A11y Rules

Nicolas Steenhout offers real-world insight into everyday accessibility issues.

His work began in the mid-'90s. As a developer, he was approached by clients facing challenges not yet part of the public consciousness. On the emerging web, accessibility hurdles were keeping people with disabilities from engaging with a technological revolution.

As Nic began championing web accessibility, he transitioned into the non-profit sector where he collaborated with people with a wide variety of impairments.

Today, Nic continues his accessibility work as an independent consultant for private businesses and non-profits. Having worked on three continents, he’s engaged with thousands of individuals with disabilities.


Register for the Webinar


Registration Info:

You will receive a confirmation email with details for logging into the webinar.

This webinar will be hosted on Thursday, January 27th from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm ET. Convert your time zone.

This webinar will be recorded and available for replay.