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Accessibility in the Digital Publishing Era
This ebook was created to help you discover the power of accessibility for your publishing videos.

Digital videos have successfully merged their way into the publishing world, creating a more engaging and captivating experience for viewers. Brands like O’Reilly and Meredith have successfully used videos to share valuable information on a variety of subject matters with their audiences.

Topics include:
  • What are digital publishing videos?
  • What are the benefits of making publishing videos accessible?
  • Why are accessibility lawsuits against public websites on the rise?
  • How do you make your publishing videos accessible?

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Types of Publishing Videos

We’ve established that video is powerful. In fact, according to Forbes, the average user spends 88% more time on a website with video. With that said, what types of video can you use to attract and keep more viewers watching your videos? Publishers produce a wide range of content from food and drink recipes, to fashion, media, and educational videos.

Want to read more? Download this resource for free⬆️


A Full Service Media Accessibility Solution

3Play Media is an integrated media accessibility platform with patented solutions for closed captioning, transcription, live captioning, audio description, and localization. 3Play is a thought leader in video accessibility, and is committed to providing free, educational resources like this one.

Introducing 3Play Media